Bodyweight training expert Al Kavaldo teaches the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop with his brother Danny Kavaldo, based on the Big Six exercises featured in the book Convict Conditioning, by Paul Wade.

progressive Calisthenics

Progressive Calisthenics


Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop



You can learn a lot from Paul Wade’s book, Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength. Turn the pages to the table of contents, and you’ll get an overview of what it will take to put this bodyweight training program into practice for yourself. Keep reading, and you’ll learn about his 19-year prison sentence and his dedication to developing superhuman strength one day at a time. In the pages of this book you’ll get written instructions on how to perform the Big Six exercises, eat right, and change your workout routines enough to make each session a little tougher than the last.

A fitness book like this can teach you the concepts, ideas, and science behind building muscle, strength, and endurance. You can even carry it to the gym or your living room, prop it open, and give it your best to perform the sets and repetitions based on the pictures intended to show you the full range of motion for each exercise at every stage of progression.

And if you’re truly dedicated to improving your health and fitness, you can get stronger and leaner by using the book. Millions of people have done it, and every day more people leave it all on the floor in a sweat-soaked workout based on the book. But sometimes trying to master something from a book without the benefit of interacting with the experts can leave you feeling like there’s a gap between learning the basics and mastering every move.

You can certainly develop solid skills and incredible strength on your own, but what if you had the chance to train face-to-face with some of Convict Conditioning’s most storied strongmen? Chances are pretty good that working with a seasoned veteran in person would supercharge your strength, boost your confidence level, and send you on your way to achieve even greater success. And that’s why the creators of Convict Conditioning launched the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop.

Watch what you’ll learn in this three-day class


When Paul Wade was locked up, he dedicated his days behind bars to mastering the skills and techniques to build supreme strength. It was a matter of survival. And at times, it was a matter of life or death. He was so committed to developing muscle strength and endurance, that he spent nearly two decades developing a system of progressive exercises to develop the strength to do the one-arm push-up, one-legged squat, one-arm pull-up, hanging straight leg raise, stand-to-stand bridge, and the one-arm handstand push-up.

And when he got out, he partnered with bodyweight training master Al Kavaldo to create advanced workouts based on a progressive training strategy designed build muscle strength, slowly and safely. Kavaldo is a recognized master in bodyweight training exercises, and he’s among the few that can even execute the Big Six in Convict Conditioning. When Convict Conditioning 2 was released, Kavaldo and his brother Danny, were the go-to models for the book, because they’re among an elite group of serious bodyweight training gurus who truly understand Paul Wade’s progressive series of exercises designed to build incredible muscle strength and endurance.

And that’s what makes the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop such an outstanding venue for learning the skills and techniques needed to master the Big Six. In this 3-day, hands-on class, you get face-time with the best of the best in bodyweight training, Al and Danny Kavaldo.

You’ll get classroom instruction and in-the-gym training with these elite bodyweight coaches. They’ll demonstrate the Big Six and give you the in-person guidance, coaching, and encouragement that you just can’t get from a book, no matter how well it’s written. You’ll get all the tools you need to walk away with a game-plan to get stronger.

The Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop is also designed to provide you with such a solid understanding of Paul Wade’s principles of muscle progression that you’ll feel comfortable teaching the techniques and strategies to others. And when you complete the course, you’ll get the first edition of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Instructor’s Manual.

This valuable resource includes everything presented during the three-day course, advice on how to coach and train others, plus photos and instructions on how to perform over 100 strength-building bodyweight exercises. You’ll even get time dedicated to asking Al and Danny anything you want about bodyweight training and building the kind of muscle strength needed to execute Paul Wade’s Big Six moves.

During the three-days of instruction at the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop, you’ll learn how to improve your push-up power. Al and Danny will show you how to progressively improve your pull-up power. And you’ll learn how to train your body and muscles to execute the Human Flag. They’ll show you how to master the techniques to perform a perfect handstand, strengthen your back with the bridge, develop front and back-lever muscle strength, and more.

And don’t think for a minute that you can be one of the silent observers in the back of the class at the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop. Al and Danny want to make sure you can measure up to the challenge of becoming an ambassador for the most badass bodyweight training system ever created.

To earn your certification, you’ll have to attend the classes and complete the workouts. But then you’ve have to complete the 100-Rep Century Challenge by completing a combination of full squats, push-ups, hanging knee raises, and pull-ups. And if you can’t muscle out 100 reps before the class ends, you’ll have some time to improve. But you won’t be off the hook. Al and Danny will hunt you down after the workshop, and you’ll have the chance to complete the 100-Rep Century Challenge on live internet video.



Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop is the only bodyweight training workshop in existence based on the progressive training principles featured in Paul Wade’s book, Convict Conditioniong.


Only a few Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshops are currently being offered. Registration and class locations are limited. It also might seem quite expensive, though in comparison to other certification its actually at a very good price point.

Bottom Line

If you’re serious about bodyweight training, and want to be coached and mentored by elite experts who have worked side-by-side with Convict Conditioning legend Paul Wade, sign up for the Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop. You’ll walk away stronger, tougher, and smarter, and ready to help others take their training to the next level.