Strength Training With Body Weight – Your Key to Inhuman Strength

by | Jun 26, 2013 | 0 comments

10 min read


Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athlete - people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

Welcome to our guide to Strength Training With Body Weight

Some of the visitors to this page may have experience of working constantly in gyms and may be skeptical of our reasoning that this type of training allows you to significantly increase bodyweight strength. At Bodyweight Training arena, we have the attitude and approach which will allow us to convince you of the benefits and gains of Bodyweight exercises in terms of bodyweight strength, while still being able to maintain full mobility and naturally functional muscular endurance. Once you have mastered Bodyweight strength, you will be able to perform some incredible feats while controlling and supporting your whole weight.

To give yourself an example of some of these extremely difficult displays of bodyweight strength, visit Jason Ferruggia’s Top 20 Bodyweight Exercises for building muscle and strength.

An example of what is possible: (


Starting Out With Strength Training With Body Weight

Obviously, some of these exercises will seem a long way away for some of you just starting out. That is why we strive to support those who are looking to begin their involvement in Bodyweight strength training as well as accommodating those at the very pinnacle of human strength.

Naturally, we have plenty of resources to support you through your Bodyweight strength progression. This way you will be able to gradually increase strength by increasing the difficulty of exercises attempted based on your new found strength. Some of the following exercises are easy beginnings of progressive bodyweight strength and will cater for your whole body. These are:

– Horizontal Pulls

– Incline Push-ups

– Squats

– Lying Knee raise

Constant repetition of these exercises, until they will become easy, is your main key to progression. Once this is achieved you may want to attempt a more intermediate variation on these exercises. For example:

– Jack-knife Pulls

– Full pushups OR Close push ups

– Uneven Squats OR Close Squats

– Hanging Knee Raise

Again you will want to repeat these until they are easy and you are as strong as possible in these exercises. Then you will be able to progress further. For full details of some of these progressions. See Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning. We wish you luck on your quest to natural strength. This will give an insight on how to progress in each of the exercises here and allow you to pick up more useful Bodyweight workouts along the way.

Links and insights into Convict Conditioning can be found at

More Pointers

Confused about some of these terms? Want more exercises from which to develop your bodyweight strength?

Visit The Convict Conditioning Resources which will show you progressions, guide you through the exercises and help you along the way.

There are also plenty of products and resources available to help you through progressions. It is time for your true bodyweight strength to be realized. It will take much discipline and hard work to get your ideal bodyweight strength and be in shape. We will offer as much support, motivation and information to help you along the way here at Bodyweight Training Arena!

Calisthenics Equipment

Some of the following products may be useful to help you on your way to progression in Bodyweight strength workouts:

Pull up Bars


Push Up Boxes


Squat Boards/Benches


If you are new we strongly recommend that you check out the Getting Started With Calisthenics Training Program 


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