
Calisthenics Lever Training
Calisthenics Leg Workout

Calisthenics Leg Workout

The stereotype goes that calisthenics and bodyweight can only take you so far in leg development. In fact, the only cool exercise there is for legs is the pistol squat which many people still claim inferior compared to weighted squats.

That’s WRONG.😢

Calisthenics and bodyweight training can, in fact, train your legs to super-stardom if you implement the PROPER training protocols.

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Get Your First Front Lever Progression With This 7 Days Workout

Get Your First Front Lever Progression With This 7 Days Workout

If you’re looking for a solid front lever workout, then you’re in luck! This is not a beginner-level exercise, but with time and practice, it can be achieved!

Front Levers are one of the most difficult exercises in calisthenics. Front levers are also great for strengthening your core which will help you perform other exercises such as handstands or planches more efficiently.

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Dragon Flag Progressions, Benefits, Requirements and Variations

Dragon Flag Progressions, Benefits, Requirements and Variations

The Dragon Flag is basically a move that was performed by Bruce Lee in his workouts. He used to hang his body straight just like a flag and hold it in this position for a particular amount of time. This move is not easy at all beginners will quickly find out how challenging it is. The great thing is the Dragon Flag comes with many benefits for your body and for your health; I will highlight some of them below for you.

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Insane Strength Benefits of Front Levers

Insane Strength Benefits of Front Levers

Hey, you! Do you know about the insane strength benefits of front lever?🏆

Let’s be real, doing the front lever looks so cool and there’s an obvious strength requirement for the exercise, which is why many people tend not to train it at all.

In fact, many people think it’s just a cool party trick reserved for the elite calisthenics athletes.

☝️HOWEVER, front levers can be more than just a party trick! It’s one of the Calisthenics skill movements you should devote time to practicing.

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