Tired of your usual workout routine?😠Grown bored of the usual bar workouts? No longer challenged by your regimen? Looking for something more to stay motivated? We’ve got the answer for you! Why not up your game with a simple change in equipment? Sure, you’ve...
INSANE CHEST WORKOUT Level Time Goal Beginner 20 minutes Strength Training Welcome to our Insane Calisthenics Chest Workout! Before we dive into this incredible routine, I want to share with you a crucial insight I wish I had known when I first started out....
From Overweight To The Fittest He Has Ever Been with Timo Vlot Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their...
Welcome to our ultimate guide to back calisthenics! Before we dive into the top exercises and routines, let me share something I wish I’d known when I started out. After training thousands of athletes, we’ve noticed a common mistake: blindly selecting...
Max Reps Full Body Workout MAX REPS FULL BODY WORKOUT Level Time Goal Advanced 150 minutes Strength and Muscle Endurance – Sustaining strength for longer periods of time Welcome to our max reps calisthenics cardio workout! Before we embark on this invigorating...