You can develop super-powerful, superhuman legs with calisthenics leg workout! I’m here to prove it.👊 The stereotype goes that calisthenics and bodyweight can only take you so far in leg development. In fact, the only cool exercise there is for legs is the...
Let’s get you the best calisthenics bicep workout Building bicep is usually associated with using weights but you can as easily create a calisthenics bicep workout without using a single weight. So if you ever watched action movies and wished you had a set of...
People will do just about anything to capture a spot on today’s plethora of reality shows. And for one of the powerhouse shows that draws millions of viewers, American Idol has become known for its outstanding undiscovered singers, as well as unusual or unexpected...
GET FIT WHILE LEARNING IMPOSSIBLE SKILLS! Finally get to master that special move you’ve always wanted or develop that specific skill.Following our coach-developed progressions, you’ll find yourself step by step achieving your goals. Join the tribe of...
Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athlete - people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives! Having a strong chest (pectoral muscles) is one of the...