You can develop super-powerful, superhuman legs with calisthenics leg workout! I’m here to prove it.👊 The stereotype goes that calisthenics and bodyweight can only take you so far in leg development. In fact, the only cool exercise there is for legs is the...
If you’re looking for a solid front lever workout, then you’re in luck! This is not a beginner-level exercise, but with time and practice, it can be achieved! Front Levers are one of the most difficult exercises in calisthenics. Front levers are also great for...
Calisthenics is a great way to build body strength without using any equipment. However, some people believe that calisthenics is bad for your joints. So, is this the case? Let’s find out the answer to this question and more. 🧐Are calisthenics bad for...
When it comes to working out, push-up is probably one of the most common movements that every athlete has performed inside or outside of the gym. Spice up your workout with 16 challenging push-up variations! ⚡️Summary: In this article, we will talk about the...
There are a lot of different opinions on Kipping vs Strict Pull-ups. Some people think that the kipping ones are a waste of time, while others believe that they are an essential part of training, especially in CrossFit. So, which one is the right pull-up...